IFAST 14 Meeting

Lima, Peru

Hoteles Las Americas

October 4-5, 2000



Chaired by Fred Gaechter

8:30am: On-site registration, meet-and-greet, "coffee and sticky buns"


1. Introductory Session

  1. Call to Order and Opening Remarks - Fred Gaechter
  2. Attendance Roster and Introductions
  3. Agenda Review and Approval
  4. Introduction of ATIS as IFAST Secretariat - Fred Gaechter and Ed Hall
  5. Introduction of Contributions and Numbering - Ed Hall



2. Correspondence, Liaison and Update Session

  1. IFAST Website – Bernardo Martinez
  2. IRM/SID Update – David Crowe
  3. TR45.2 Update – David Crowe
  4. IRM Fee Process – Fred Gaechter



3. Plenary Session

  1. ANSI SS7 Point Code Assignments (1 hour) - Carlos Zamora/Bernardo Martinez/Fred Gaechter
  2. Number Conflicts and IRM Format (45 Minutes) – Jamie Leyerle
  3. Sharing IRM resources intra-country – Fabio Silva



4. Issues Review - Mentor Groups (15 – 30 minutes per group)

  1. International TLDN – Bernardo Martinez
  2. IMSI Implementation, Backward Compatibility, and MIN-based IMSI versus True IMSI– Lloyd
  3. Uniform Dialing Plan – Fred Gaechter
  4. Support of Supplemental Services – Ken Hammer
  5. WIN-based Services – Ken Hammer
  6. Fraud when Roaming Internationally – Allen Hammet
  7. Billing Related to International Roaming – Jamie Leyerle
  8. SS7 Routing Data – Ken Hammer
  9. SMS - Ken Hammer
  10. ANSI to ITU SS7 Gateway Issues – Ken Hammer
  11. Operational Issues – Ken Hammer
  12. Optimal Routing – David Crowe
  13. Centralized Informational Repository – Fred Gaechter
  14. Future Feature Code Standardization – Fred Gaechter
  15. ANI Compatibility – Bernardo Martinez
  16. Roaming Agreement Modeling – Oscar Pena
  17. Inter-Standard Roaming – Mike Doyle
  18. New Issues Discussion – Fred Gaechter
  19. TR-43.2/TIA Liaison
  20. Wireless Number Portability Standards and Implementation Issues in ANSI-41 systems (see email from Doug Rollender)





Closing Plenary

  1. Other Issues:
  1. Next Meeting Decision (5 Minutes) – Fred Gaechter
  2. Meeting Notes Review (20 Minutes) – Ed Hall
  3. Action Items Review (10 Minutes) – Ed Hall
  4. Closing Comments (5 Minutes) – Fred Gaechter