IRM File Format

Version 4.3
February, 2016

For information about the conventions used in this file format description, and how to get access to the data, see fileformats.html

You can download a partial IRM CSV file for evaluation

The titles and descriptions of some columns changed in April 2014, but the order, meaning and contents have remained the same.

This file contains one record for each International Roaming MIN (IRM) whether currently assigned to a wireless operator, unassigned or in some other state.

A: IRM The four digit IRM code. Mandatory.
B: Status The status of an IRM (Assigned, Reserved, Unassigned, Dormant, Conflict). Mandatory.
C: Formerly Application Status (until January 2016) Formerly the status of an application (Pending, Internally Reviewed, External Review). Now reserved.
D: Formerly Application Type (until January 2016) Formerly type of an application (Assignment, Reservation, Withdrawal, Return, Change). Now reserved.
E: Formerly Application Date (until January 2016) The date that an application was processed in the format MM/DD/YYYY. Now reserved.
F: Assignee The name of an operator used within IFAST. Mandatory if IRM is assigned.
G: Alternate name The 'screen name' of an operator. If blank the 'Carrier_billing' name is used.
H: Country The name of the country in which the operator provides service or another indication of the purpose of the code (e.g. 'Worldwide').
I: RF technology The type of radio technology (e.g.  CDMA, GSM, LTE or Satellite).
J: Frequency The frequency or frequencies of radio technology (e.g. 700 MHz, US 800, US 800 A, US 800 B, PCS 1900, TACS 900, Japan 800, Korea PCS 1800,).
K: Expiry The date on which IFAST annual maintenance fee payments expire (or expired).
L: Conflict. If checked (value 1) this IRM is being used without authorization by at least one operator.
M: Reclamation Date (formerly reserved). If a code is in the process of being reclaimed, this field indicates the date of the next state change towards being fully deassigned.
N: Street The street address of the assignee.
O: City The city of the assignee.
P: State The state, province or other region of the assignee.
Q: Code The zip or other postal code of the assignee.
R: Country The country of the assignee.
S: Phone The phone number of the assignee.
T: Fax The fax number of the assignee.
U: Email The email address of the assignee.
V: URL The URL (website address) of the assignee.
W: Reserved. There is no valid data in this field in this version of the file format specification.
X: Reserved. There is no valid data in this field in this version of the file format specification.

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